Petersime NV defines corporate identity

Petersime defines the corporate identity and house style for all internal and external communication.
Who is Petersime ?
Petersime is a belgian company and the worldwide number one market leader in incubators. Petersime also develops and installs complete hatcheries. The products of Petersime have a worldwide reputation for performance, reliability and energy efficiency.
Why is a corporate identy so important for a company ?
A corporate identity visualises the unique characteristics of a company and strenghtens it's branding. It allows to allign messages, themes, colors, slogans, visuals in all communication so that all stakeholders can identify themselves with the company.
The contribution of CaSEM
CaSEM has assisted in defining the corporate identity of Petersime. In order to define this, Petersime has started from the real values that make the difference for the customer and where Petersime has an unique offering. CaSEM has also defined the Petersime credo. This credo summarises what really is important for Petersime's customers.